Episode Six

As Sean’s friends battle the Visitors, Sean meets her mother.

A Story: Having entered Cilandre’s mind at the end of the previous episode, Sean finds herself in a safe place, with her mother’s love. Lisa is gentle and kind. They hang out in a fantasy version of the hut in the mountains. Albie is there too. Sean is very happy. 

Even though the lure of happiness is seductive, Sean realises she has to leave. The Visitors are harming humanity, and she needs to stop it. But when Sean tries to escape, Lisa tries to stop her. But Sean is tenacious, and as she struggles to leave, the illusion of Lisa’s perfect world starts to fall apart. It’s only as it crumbles that Sean realises that she was never with Lisa at all, this was still a creation of Cilandre’s mind! 

Sean has a battle with Cilandre’s defences, an army of Adams. Cilandre’s defences nearly overwhelm Sean, but the real Lisa arrives to save her just in time.

Lisa is completely different to the fantasy version. She’s an adventurer, athletic and rough. Lisa doesn’t recognise her daughter, but she’s pleased to meet her, a fellow adventurer. Lisa believes she’s found the Oneness only moments ago, and that she has a baby daughter named Sean. Lisa brings Sean to see the Oneness. It is indeed beautiful. Sean explains that she is Lisa’s daughter, and that Lisa has been in this timeless place for fourteen years! Sean shows Lisa the pain the Visitors have caused, and Lisa understands she has to leave this place.

Together Sean and Lisa discover that the cancer that darkened Lisa’s mind in the final years of her life has affected the Visitors. The darkness in Cilandre’s character, in all the Visitors, came from Lisa’s sickness.

Together, Sean and Lisa return to the real world. Lisa returns to her own body, and Cilandre is gone, all the Visitors disappear immediately. The outside battle stops. Sean has won!

But Lisa is dying. She farewells Sean, then Albie. She makes Sean promise that she’ll reconnect to the Oneness, but on a better footing, without the cancer. Sean promises, and Lisa dies.

B Story: Out in the real world, the “resistance” group from the marae, along with Teremoana and Noah hold off Adam2 and his force of Visitors and police for as long as possible until they’re finally overwhelmed. Adam2 is about to kill Sean when Paka sacrifices himself, taking himself and Adam2 back to the Oneness. Overjoyed with relief, Noah and Teremoana find themselves kissing. They decide to keep it quiet.

Denouement/Season 2 hook: Sean re-initiates contact with the Oneness. It’s a beautiful experience and she understands what Lisa felt. But moments later, Teremoana arrives in this “connection” space. Teremoana is older, her hair is cut and she’s wearing pseudo-military clothes. Even though Sean feels like she just arrived, Teremoana tells her she’s been here for six years!!