Episode Five

Sean and Albie race each other to find Cilandre, while Paka searches for his soul.

 A Story: Sean races Albie to find Cilandre. Albie intends to kill her, while Sean intended to evict her, in an effort to save Lisa. Sean finds Cilandre first. Albie, having failed to kill Cilandre, barricades the embassy to give Sean as much time as possible to evict Cilandre.

Thanks to her struggle with Adam2 (in the B story), Cilandre has realised that clinging to life here is not the route to happiness. When we meets Sean, she confesses that there is a darkness inside her, which she has passed on to every Visitor she has brought into this world. She doesn’t know why, since the Oneness itself is not dark at all. Perhaps it’s in Lisa herself. Cilandre allows Sean to connect to her. But is she being honest with Sean, or is this a trick?

B Story: Cilandre battles Adam2 for control of the Visitors. Adam2 displays a cruelty that alarms Cilandre, because she recognises it within herself. 

C Story: Having killed Melvyl in the previous episode, Paka has an existential crisis. He knows he didn’t kill Melvyl for any more noble reason than to remain here on earth. What it is purpose here on earth?  Paka seeks out the family of the person he rented his body from. There’s a woman and a young boy. They’re poor, like the rest of their community, and the Visitors presence has made their poverty worse. Paka makes a relationship with the his young “son”, who believes Paka is his father. But when he tries to help, he fails, and he realises there are far more desperate families than he could ever hope to help. Finally he meets the boy’s mother, and when she realises that he’s not his real husband, he expects – and possibly wants – her wrath. Instead, she’s so lonely that she wants him to pretend he is her husband. Paka leaves, having decided that the Visitors have no place here on earth.